Endowment Engineer Search
The Endowment Engineer  Search  is part of the Endow America Network, Inc.'s public education campaign which includes:

Why is an Endowment Engineer so important? 

  • The planning is complicated. There are hundreds of plans allowed by the IRS tax code with regard to charitable planning.
  • The planning requires a holistic approach.
  • Financial circumstances are unique to each of us.
  • Consult your professional advisor(s) or search for an Endowment Engineer and ask how Section 664 and charitable planning can benefit you.
An Endowment Engineer’s job is to solve an endowment problem using a blueprint approach to make the solution easy for the individual or business to utilize.
Endowment Engineers’ are educated in the use of Social Secharity sections of the tax code, including but not limited to, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Gift Annuities and Pooled Income Funds. 
Endowment Engineer Search
 Client Based advisors ARE NOT employed by a charitable organization.
Charity Based advisors ARE employed by charitable organizations.  
Please read this disclaimer before searching: This Endowment Engineer Search is available for information purposes only. EANF gives no warranty of any kind, express or implied with regard to the information, including without limitation any warranty that the particular advisor or organization that you select is qualified to advise on your situation. The information in the individual member’s biographies displayed in the Search is provided by the advisors themselves including their specialties.
Endowment Engineers are dedicated to designing solutions that not only unlock your financial growth but also make a meaningful impact on the world.
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